Building and Sustaining a Healthy Workplace Culture

Worldview Intelligence provides the foundation for this. 

a 4-part online series

Workplaces with successful, inclusive and healthy cultures are strategic and intentional about it and explicit about their worldviews. Organizational goals are well defined and shared, with a plan to achieve them. Roles and responsibilities are clear. Everyone knows how their efforts contribute to the vision and goals of the organization.

People are attracted to organizations that have built a Healthy Workplace Culture because employees thrive, are engaged and know their contribution to the vision, values and goals of the organization, which are well defined and shared. Relationships are strong and roles, responsibilities and accountabilities are clear. Decision-making is transparent.

Stories that demonstrate how healthy the workplace is, and how exciting and rewarding it is to work there, are fostered and promote internally and externally. This is supported by business processes strategically embedded in the workplace that promote trust, relationship, learning, growth, self-esteem, inclusion and belonging, safety, efficiency, productivity and accountability. These cultures are enhanced and sustained through Worldview Intelligence knowledge, skills, practices, frameworks and processes.

If you want to get a sense of how healthy your team or Workplace Culture is now, to give you ideas about what you need to focus on,  you can fill in the survey - link below. It will contribute to Worldview Intelligence research on this topic. After you complete it, you will receive a copy of your responses with a tabulation page at the end.

Don't Miss Out! Register Here









Take the Healthy Workplace Culture Survey

Building and Sustaining a Healthy Workplace Culture

Worldview Intelligence provides the foundation 

Workplaces with successful and inclusive cultures are strategic and intentional about it and explicit about their worldviews. Organizational goals are well defined and shared, with a plan to achieve them. Roles and responsibilities are clear. Everyone knows how their efforts contribute to the vision and goals of the organization.

People are attracted to organizations that have built a Healthy Workplace Culture because employees thrive, are engaged and know their contribution to the vision, values and goals of the organization, which are well defined and shared. Relationships are healthy, roles, responsibilities and accountabilities are clear. Decision-making is transparent.

Stories that demonstrate how healthy the workplace is, and how exciting and rewarding it is to work there, are fostered and promoted. This is supported by business processes strategically embedded in the workplace that promote trust, relationship, learning, growth, self-esteem, inclusion and belonging, safety, efficiency, productivity and accountability. These cultures are enhanced and sustained through Worldview Intelligence knowledge, skills, practices, frameworks and processes.

Register Online And Don't Miss Out!









About The Series

Worldview Intelligence and the Six Dimensions Framework are an innovative yet easy to comprehend approach to building cohesive teams and creating and sustaining a Healthy Workplace Culture.

This 4 -part series is fun, engaging, informative and could be transformative. You will learn about and discuss processes, frameworks, planning models, and activities that build trust and relationship and contribute to a more productive and engaged workforce.

This interactive series focuses on the Core Elements of a Healthy Workplace Culture.

Session 1, April 15, 2025: Worldview and Team Leadership

Session 2, April 29, 2025: Psychological Safety and Belonging

Session 3, May 13, 2025: Communication and Transparency

Session 4, May 27, 2025: Employee and Stakeholder Engagement

The fifth core element of a Healthy Workplace Culture is Identifying and Tracking Metrics or Key Performance Indicators, which is woven into each session.

Session Descriptions

Session 1: Worldview and Team Leadership

This session outlines the characteristics of a Healthy Workplace Culture and why building one is a strategic choice and investment for a company. Worldviews, Worldview Intelligence and the Six Dimensions Framework are described as well as how they create the foundation for healthy teams and Workplace Cultures. The Worldview Intelligence High-Performance Teams Model is introduced and its applicability to a Healthy Workplace Culture is explored. Practices, frameworks, systems and key metrics are shared and initial steps that you can put in place are identified.

Session 2: Psychological Safety and Belonging

Psychological safety and belonging are key indicators that a team and Workplace Culture are healthy. It means that people feel free to speak up without fear of being punished or ostracized. These contributions lead to better decisions and more innovation and creativity. This session will draw on neuroscience and behavioral science to identify strategies, practices and behaviors that create psychologically safe environments.

Session 3: Communication and Transparency

Communication is a tricky thing. You think you are communicating clearly and yet other people hear something completely different. No news is not no news as people fill in the gaps with patterns or information that is familiar to them. This session offers communication strategies and makes the case for transparency. 

Session 4: Employee and Stakeholder Engagement

Employee engagement is not a check the box activity. In this session we share engagement strategies and practices as well as how organizational change - including culture change - impacts employees. 

Special First Time Offer: $750 USD

Building and Sustaining a Healthy Workplace Culture - regular registration fee of $1,500 USD.

This special pricing is only available for the first offering of this online series. We are putting a wealth of material and resources together in new ways. In return for this special offer we will be asking for your feedback to make it even better and for your testimonials to help future participants understand the value of the program.

If having payment of options available makes this more accessible to you, reach out and we will make accommodations. If you want to participate with a work colleague, ask us about team discounts.


Join us for this insightful series on Healthy Workplace Culture. There are practical takeaways that you can put into action right away.


Tuesdays - April 15 & 29, May 13 & 27, 2025

11:00 - 2:00 EST












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